








● 胸部異常陰影に対する精査: 気管支鏡検査,CTガイド下生検
 肺癌に対する治療: 化学療法,放射線療法,手術,免疫療法,緩和治療
 気道閉塞などに対する呼吸器インターベンション
 感染性肺炎に対する治療: 起炎病原体の推定,適切な抗菌剤の選択
 間質性肺疾患に対する検査,治療: クライオバイオプシー,抗線維化剤,ステロイドパルス療法,免疫抑制剤を用いた治療など
 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD),肺気腫: 気管支拡張剤吸入療法,気胸に対する気管支充填材EWS留置,経気管支肺容量減量術(BLVR)
 慢性呼吸不全: 在宅酸素療法(HOT)の導入,呼吸リハビリテーション,人工呼吸管理
 気管支喘息に対する治療: ステロイド吸入,気管支拡張剤吸入療法,生物学的製剤
 その他,呼吸器希少疾患など


1) 気管支鏡検査

年間約300~350例前後の症例に気管支鏡検査を行っています。ガイドシース法、超音波気管支鏡ガイド下針生検(EBUS-TBNA、EUS-B-FNA)、超音波気管支鏡ガイド下ミニ鉗子生検(EBUS-MFB)などの最先端のデバイスを用いた検査を行っており、さらに、仮想気管支内視鏡(ナビゲーションシステム)や迅速細胞診(Rose: rapid on-site cytological evaluation)を組み合わせることで診断率の向上を図っています。また、2021年度よりクライオバイオプシーを導入しています。これは、凍結剤(炭酸ガス)で冷却したクライオプローブを用いて、組織を凍結させて採取する技術です。肺癌や間質性肺炎の診断のために十分な組織検体を採取することに加え、気管支内の喀痰、血液の塊、あるいは異物除去、悪性気道狭窄の治療を行うことができます。






2) ガイドラインに準じた肺癌の治療


3) 呼吸器インターベンション



4) 気管支喘息の治療



5) 経気管支肺容量減量術(BLVR:Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction)




日本呼吸器学会 認定施設
日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 認定施設
日本がん治療医認定機構 認定研修施設
日本臨床腫瘍学会 認定研修施設


疾患 患者数
肺がん 468
胸部異常陰影・検査 197
感染性肺炎 149
非感染性肺炎 143
胸膜疾患 59
気管支・肺血管疾患 50
COVID-19 25
気管支喘息 25
COPD・呼吸不全 20
悪性腫瘍関連 10
その他 21
合計 1,167
入院実績の円グラフ 当科の入院患者数の年次推移とその内訳 当科の気管支鏡検査数の年次推移



1. Takigawa Y, Sato K, Kudo K, Inoue T, Fujiwara M, Matsuoka S, Watanabe H, Sato A, Mukai T, Fujiwara K. Safety and efficacy of airway stent placement following bronchial artery embolization: A retrospective study at a single institute. Respir Investig 2024;62(4):640-644.
2. Takigawa Y, Sato K, Kudo K, Minami D, Shiraha K, Inoue T, Matsuoka S, Fujiwara M, Mitsumune S, Watanabe H, Sato A, Fujiwara K, Shibayama T. Effectiveness of AERO Stent Placement for Malignant Airway Disorder in Patients with a Poor Performance Status. Intern Med 2024;63(16):2277-2282.
3. Matsuoka S, Fujiwara K, Takigawa Y, Ito S, Mitsumune S, Shiraha K, Goda M, Inoue T, Fujiwara M, Nakamura E, Watanabe H, Kudo K, Sato A, Sato K, Shibayama T. Secondary Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Development during the Treatment for Anti-aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Antibody-positive Interstitial Lung Disease. Intern Med 2024;63(21):2971-2976.
4. Matsuoka S, Takigawa Y, Sato K, Inoue T, Watanabe H, Kudo K, Sato A, Fujiwara K, Shibayama T. Convex endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscope may enhance visualization and diagnosis by respiratory physicians: Clinical image of an endoscopic ultrasound with bronchoscope. Respirol Case Rep. 2024;12(11):e70072.
5. Fujiwara M, Watanabe H, Takigawa Y, Goda M, Shiraha K, Inoue T, Matsuoka S, Kudo K, Sato A, Sato K, Fujiwara K, Shibayama T. Successful treatment of type B2 thymoma with steroid and radiotherapy. Respirol Case Rep. 2024;12(8):e70006
6. Takigawa Y, Sato K, Inoue T, Takada M, Fujiwara K. Image of a thawed frozen specimen obtained using a cryoprobe floated with oil droplets in normal saline: An endobronchial lipomatous hamartoma image. Respirol Case Rep 2024;12(3):e01318.
7. Shiraha K, Takigawa Y, Sato A, Fujiwara K, Matsuo Y, Goda M, Inoue T, Nakamura E, Fujiwara M, Matsuoka S, Watanabe H, Kudo K, Sato K, Shibayama T. Large-vessel vasculitis induced by pegfilgrastim and immune checkpoint inhibitor in a patient with small-cell lung cancer. Respirol Case Rep 2024;12(2):e01291.
8. Takigawa Y, Watanabe H, Sato K, Matsuoka S, Kudo K, Sato A, Isoda T, Shinno Y, Fujiwara K, Shibayama T. A Case of Lung Metastasis of Breast Cancer Diagnosed Using Ultrathin Bronchoscopic Cryobiopsy with a "Tube-wedging Method". Respir Endosc 2024;2(1):32-35.
9. Takigawa Y, Miyake K, Sato K, Fujiwara K, Shiraha K, Inoue T, Fujiwara M, Matsuoka S, Watanabe H, Kudo K, Sato A, Watanabe Y, Shibayama T. Improved Bronchial Tree Image Reconstruction from the Lateral Decubitus Position of Computed Tomography Images for Virtual Navigation: A Case Report. Respir Endosc 2024;2(1):48-52.
10. Morita A, Ichihara E, Inoue K, Fujiwara K, Yokoyama T, Harada D, Ando C, Kano H, Oda N, Tamura T, Ochi N, Kawai H, Inoue M, Hara N, Fujimoto N, Ichikawa H, Oze I, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Impacts of probiotics on the efficacies of immune checkpoint inhibitors with or without chemotherapy for patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Int J Cancer 2024;154(9):1607-1615.
11. Kuribayashi T, Ohashi K, Nishii K, Ninomiya K, Tsubata Y, Ishikawa N, Kodani M, Kanaji N, Yamasaki M, Fujitaka K, Kuyama S, Takigawa N, Fujimoto N, Kubota T, Inoue M, Fujiwara K, Harita S, Takata I, Takada K, Okawa S, Kiura K, Hotta K. Clinical characteristics of patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors in EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer: CS-Lung-003 prospective observational registry study. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2024;150(2):89.
12. Oguma T, Ishiguro T, Kamei K, Tanaka J, Suzuki J, Hebisawa A, Obase Y, Mukae H, Tanosaki T, Furusho S, Kurokawa K, Watai K, Matsuse H, Harada N, Nakamura A, Shibayama T, Baba R, Fukunaga K, Matsumoto H, Ohba H, Sakamoto S, Suzuki S, Tanaka S, Yamada T, Yamasaki A, Fukutomi Y, Shiraishi Y, Toyotome T, Fukunaga K, Shimoda T, Konno S, Taniguchi M, Tomomatsu K, Okada N, Asano K, Japan ABPM Research Program. Clinical characteristics of allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis caused by Schizophyllum commune. Clin Transl Allergy 2024;14(1):e12327.
13. Miyake K, Senoo S, Shiiba R, Itano J, Kimura G, Kawahara T, Tamura T, Kudo K, Kawamura T, Nakahara Y, Higo H, Himeji D, Takigawa N, Miyahara N, Okayama Resp Dis Study Grp ORDSG. Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia mortality risk associated with preceding long-term steroid use for the underlying disease: A multicenter, retrospective cohort study. PLoS One 2024;19(2): e0292507.
14. Takigawa Y, Fujiwara K, Tabuchi I, Kudo K, Hayashi K, Matsumoto S, Omori H, Matsuoka S, Mitsumune S, Watanabe H, Sato A, Sato K, Shibayama T. Successful Treatment with Mepolizumab for Coronary Spastic Angina Associated with Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis. Intern Med 2023;62(16):2389-2393.
15. Takigawa Y, Watanabe H, Omote Y, Kurihara S, Inoue T, Fujiwara M, Mitsumune S, Onishi K, Kudo K, Sato A, Sato K, Fujiwara K, Shibayama T. Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome Recurrence Induced by Pembrolizumab in a Patient with Non-small-cell Lung Cancer. Intern Med 2023;62(7):1055-1058.
16. Goda M, Takigawa Y, Fujiwara K, Shinno Y. Upper Lobe-predominant Autoimmune Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis. Intern Med 2023;62(10):1569-1570.
17. Shiraha K, Takigawa Y, Watanabe H, Fujiwara M, Shibayama T. Bronchoscopic Findings of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Respir Endosc 2023;1(2):137-138.
18. Minami D, Takigawa N, Sato K, Fujiwara K, Shibayama T. Distress during Bronchoscopy in Patients Who Underwent Endobronchial Intubation Using Fentanyl and Midazolam without Throat Anesthesia: A Prospective Study. Respir Endosc 2023;1(1):1-5.
19. Minami D, Onishi K, Hosoya T, Hosoya M, Fujiwara K. Lung Adenocarcinoma with Massive Calcified Lymphadenopathy and Thyroid Metastases. Respir Endosc 2023;1(1):26-27.
20. Kubo T, Ichihara E, Harada D, Inoue K, Fujiwara K, Hosokawa S, Kishino D, Kawai H, Ochi N, Oda N, Hara N, Hotta K, Tabata M, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitor monotherapy in elderly patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Respir Investig 2023;61(5):643-650.
21. Ando C, Ichihara E, Nishi T, Morita A, Hara N, Takada K, Nakasuka T, Watanabe H, Kano H, Nishii K, Makimoto G, Kondo T, Ninomiya K, Fujii M, Kubo T, Ohashi K, Matsuoka KI, Hotta K, Tabata M, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Efficacy of gilteritinib in comparison with alectinib for the treatment of ALK-rearranged non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Sci 2023;114(11):4343-4354.
22. Ichihara E, Hasegawa K, Kudo K, Tanimoto Y, Nouso K, Oda N, Mitsumune S, Yamada H, Takata I, Hagiya H, Mitsuhashi T, Taniguchi A, Toyooka S, Tsukahara K, Aokage T, Tsukahara H, Kiura K, Maeda Y. A randomized controlled trial of teprenone in terms of preventing worsening of COVID-19 infection. PLoS One 2023;18(10):e0287501.
23. Ninomiya T, Ishikawa N, Kozuki T, Kuyama S, Inoue K, Yokoyama T, Kanaji N, Yasugi M, Shibayama T, Aoe K, Ochi N, Fujitaka K, Kodani M, Ueda Y, Watanabe K, Bessho A, Sugimoto K, Oze I, Hotta K, Kiura K. A randomized phase II study of afatinib alone or combined with bevacizumab for treating chemo-naïve patients with non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR mutations. Lung Cancer 2023;184:107349.
24. Ichihara E, Ochi N, Makimoto G, Kudo K, Harada D, Ozaki Y, Nishio H, Tsuchihashi K, Miura Y, Endo M, Yano S, Maruyama D, Yoshinami T, Susumu N, Takekuma M, Motohashi T, Ito M, Baba E, Uchino K, Kimura T, Kamiyama Y, Nakao S, Tamura S, Nishimoto H, Kato Y, Sato A, Takano T, Kubo T. Effectiveness and safety of primary prophylaxis with G-CSF for lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis to develop clinical practice guidelines for the use of G-CSF 2022. Int J Clin Oncol 2023;29(4):355-362.
25. Ando C, Ichihara E, Yokoyama T, Inoue K, Tamura T, Fujiwara K, Oda N, Kano H, Kishino D, Watanabe K, Inoue M, Ochi N, Onishi F, Ichikawa H, Kobe H, Tachibana S, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. More than one-third of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients do not receive immunochemotherapy due to intolerance. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2023;149(8):4933-4938.
26. Nakasuka T, Ohashi K, Nishii K, Hirabae A, Okawa S, Tomonobu N, Takada K, Ando C, Watanabe H, Makimoto G, Ninomiya K, Fujii M, Kubo T, Ichihara E, Hotta K, Tabata M, Kumon H, Maeda Y, Kiura K. PD-1 blockade augments CD8+ T cell dependent antitumor immunity triggered by Ad-SGE-REIC in Egfr-mutant lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2023;178:1-10.
27. Takigawa Y, Sato K, Inoue A, Nagae M, Inoue T, Onishi K, Mitsumune S, Watanabe H, Kudo K, Sato A, Fujiwara K, Shibayama T. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia caused by nicotine-free vaping in an adolescent patient: A case report. Respirol Case Rep 2022;10(6):e0961.
28. Tanzawa S, Makiguchi T, Tasaka S, Inaba M, Ochiai R, Nakamura J, Inoue K, Kishikawa T, Nakashima M, Fujiwara K, Kohyama T, Ishida H, Kuyama S, Miyazawa N, Nakamura T, Miyawaki H, Oda N, Ishikawa N, Morinaga R, Kusaka K, Miyamoto Y, Yokoyama T, Matsumoto C, Tsuda T, Ushijima S, Shibata K, Shibayama T, Bessho A, Kaira K, Misumi T, Shiraishi K, Matsutani N, Seki N. Prospective analysis of factors precluding the initiation of durvalumab from an interim analysis of a phase II trial of S-1 and cisplatin with concurrent thoracic radiotherapy followed by durvalumab for unresectable, locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer in Japan (SAMURAI study). Ther Adv Med Oncol 2022;14:17588359221116603.
29. Nishimura T, Ichihara E, Yokoyama T, Inoue K, Tamura T, Sato K, Oda N, Kano H, Kishino D, Kawai H, Inoue M, Ochi N, Fujimoto N, Ichikawa H, Ando C, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. The Effect of Pleural Effusion on Prognosis in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Undergoing Immunochemotherapy: A Retrospective Observational Study. Cancers (Basel) 2022;14(24):6184.
30. Nishii K, Ohashi K, Tomida S, Nakasuka T, Hirabae A, Okawa S, Nishimura J, Higo H, Watanabe H, Kano H, Ando C, Makimoto G, Ninomiya K, Kato Y, Kubo T, Ichihara E, Hotta K, Tabata M, Toyooka S, Udono H, Maeda Y, Kiura K. CD8+ T-cell Responses Are Boosted by Dual PD-1/VEGFR2 Blockade after EGFR Inhibition in Egfr-Mutant Lung Cancer. Cancer Immunol Res 2022;10(9):1111-1126.
31. Noumi T, Watanabe H, Ninomiya K, Ohashi K, Ichihara E, Kubo T, Makimoto G, Kato Y, Fujii M, Tabata M, Maeda Y, Hotta K, Kiura K. COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Lymphadenopathy Mimicking Regrowth of Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis of Lung Adenocarcinoma. Acta Med Okayama 2022;76(5):593-596.
32. Terai H, Soejima K, Shimokawa A, Horinouchi H, Shimizu J, Hase T, Kanemaru R, Watanabe K, Ninomiya K, Aragane N, Yanagitani N, Sakata Y, Seike M, Fujimoto D, Kasajima M, Kubo A, Kusumoto S, Oyamada Y, Fujiwara K, Mori M, Hashimoto M, Shingyoji M, Kodani M, Sakamoto J, Agatsuma T, Kashiwabara K, Inomata M, Tachihara M, Tanaka K, Hayashihara K, Koyama N, Matsui K, Minato K, Jingu D, Sakashita H, Hara S, Naito T, Okada A, Tanahashi M, Sato Y, Asano K, Takeda T, Nakazawa K, Harada T, Shibata K, Kato T, Miyaoka E, Yoshino I, Gemma A, Mitsudomi T. Real-World Data Analysis of Pembrolizumab Monotherapy for NSCLC Using Japanese Postmarketing All-Case Surveillance Data. JTO Clin Res Rep 2022;3(11):100404.
33. Tanaka H, Tanzawa S, Misumi T, Makiguchi T, Inaba M, Honda T, Nakamura J, Inoue K, Kishikawa T, Nakashima M, Fujiwara K, Kohyama T, Ishida H, Kuyama S, Miyazawa N, Nakamura T, Miyawaki H, Oda N, Ishikawa N, Morinaga R, Kusaka K, Fujimoto N, Fukuda Y, Yasugi M, Tsuda T, Ushijima S, Shibata K, Shibayama T, Bessho A, Kaira K, Shiraishi K, Matsutani N, Seki N. A phase II study of S-1 and cisplatin with concurrent thoracic radiotherapy followed by durvalumab for unresectable, locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer in Japan (SAMURAI study): primary analysis. Ther Adv Med Oncol 2022;14:17588359221142786.
34. Matsuura H, Fujiwara K, Omori H, Onishi K, Kuribayashi T, Mitsumune S, Takigawa Y, Kudo K, Minami D, Sato A, Sato K, Shibayama T. Successful Treatment with Benralizumab for Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis that Developed after Disastrous Heavy Rainfall in Western Japan. Intern Med 2021;60(9):1443-1450.
35. Matsuura H, Fujiwara K, Omori H, Onishi K, Kuribayashi T, Mitsumune S, Takigawa Y, Kudo K, Sato A, Sato K, Shibayama T. Reply to "Benralizumab as First-line Treatment for ABPA: Is It Really Indicated?". Intern Med. 2021;60(15):2521.
36. Takada K, Fujiwara K, Ando E, Onishi K, Kuribayashi T, Mitsumune S, Takigawa Y, Matsuura H, Watanabe H, Kudo K, Sato A, Sato K, Shibayama T. Optic Perineuritis Associated with Nivolumab Treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Case Rep Oncol 2021;14(2):792-796.
37. Kuribayashi T, Fujiwara K, Onishi K, Mitsumune S, Takigawa Y, Watanabe H, Kudo K, Sato A, Sato K, Kitagawa M, Ota K, Shinno Y, Shibayama T. Thrombotic Microangiopathy Associated with Gemcitabine in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Report. Case Rep Oncol 2021;14(3):1712-1718.
38. Minami D, Murakami E, Shibata Y, Nakamura K, Kishino T, Takigawa N, Onishi K, Takigawa Y, Shimonishi A, Kudo K, Sato A, Sato K, Fujiwara K, Shibayama T. End-tidal capnographic monitoring during flexible bronchoscopy under fentanyl and midazolam sedation. Ann Palliat Med 2021;10(8):8665-8671.
39. Ninomiya K, Yokoyama T, Hotta K, Oze I, Katsui K, Hata T, Yoshioka H, Bessho A, Hosokawa S, Kuyama S, Kudo K, Kozuki T, Harada D, Yasugi M, Murakami T, Nakanishi M, Takigawa N, Maeda Y, Kiura K; Okayama Lung Cancer Study Group. A randomized trial of sodium alginate prevention of esophagitis in LA-NSCLC receiving chemoradiotherapy: OLCSG1401. Supportive Care in Cancer 2021;29(9):5237-5244.
40. Ninomiya T, Nogami N, Kozuki T, Harada D, Kubo T, Ohashi K, Ichihara E, Kuyama S, Kudo K, Bessho A, Sakugawa M, Fujimoto N, Aoe K, Minami D, Sugimoto K, Ochi N, Takigawa N, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Survival of chemo-naïve patients with EGFR mutation-positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer after treatment with afatinib and bevacizumab: updates from the Okayama Lung Cancer Study Group Trial 1404. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021;51(8):1269-1276.
41. Tamura T, Ninomiya K, Kubo T, Kuyama S, Tachibana S, Inoue K, Chikamori K, Kudo K, Ochi N, Harada D, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Short-term safety of an anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 messenger RNA vaccine for patients with advanced lung cancer treated with anticancer drugs: A multicenter, prospective, observational study. Thoracic Cancer 2021;13(3):453-459.
42. Watanabe H, Ichihara E, Kayatani H, Makimoto G, Ninomiya K, Nishii K, Higo H, Ando C, Okawa S, Nakasuka T, Kano H, Hara N, Hirabae A, Kato Y, Ninomiya T, Kubo T, Rai K, Ohashi K, Hotta K, Tabata M, Maeda Y, Kiura K. VEGFR2 blockade augments the effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors by inhibiting angiogenesis and oncogenic signaling in oncogene-driven non-small-cell lung cancers. Cancer Science 2021;112(5):1853-1864.
43. Nishii K, Ohashi K, Watanabe H, Makimoto G, Nakasuka T, Higo H, Ninomiya K, Kato Y, Kubo T, Rai K, Ichihara E, Hotta K, Tabata M, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Triple therapy with osimertinib, bevacizumab and cetuximab in EGFR-mutant lung cancer with HIF-1α/TGF-α expression. Oncology Letters 2021;22(3):639.
44. Kano H, Ichihara E, Watanabe H, Nishii K, Ando C, Nakasuka T, Ninomiya K, Kato Y, Kubo T, Rai K, Ohashi K, Hotta K, Tabata M, Maeda Y, Kiura K. SHP2 Inhibition Enhances the Effects of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Preclinical Models of Treatment-naïve ALK-, ROS1-, or EGFR-altered Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2021;20(9):1653-1662.
45. Nakasuka T, Ohashi K, Watanabe H, Kubo T, Matsumoto S, Goto K, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. A case of dramatic reduction in cancer-associated thrombus following initiation of pembrolizumab in patient with a poor performance status and PD-L1 + lung adenocarcinoma harboring CCDC6-RET fusion gene and NF1/TP53 mutations. Lung Cancer 2021;156:1-4.
46. Hara N, Ichihara E, Harada D, Inoue K, Fujiwara K, Hosokawa S, Kishino D, Kawai H, Ochi N, Oda N, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Significance of PD-L1 expression in the cytological samples of non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 2021;147(12):3749-3755.
47. Nishii K, Inoue M, Obata H, Ueda Y, Kozuki T, Yamasaki M, Moritaka T, Awaya Y, Sugimoto K, Gemba K, Kuyama S, Ichikawa H, Shibayama T, Kubota T, Kodani M, Kishino D, Fujimoto N, Ishikawa N, Tsubata Y, Ishii T, Fujitaka K, Hotta K, Kiura K. Novel prospective umbrella-type lung cancer registry study for clarifying clinical practice patterns: CS-Lung-003 study protocol. Thoracic Cancer 2021;12(5):725-731.
48. Ochi N, Ichihara E, Takigawa N, Harada D, Inoue K, Shibayama T, Hosokawa S, Kishino D, Harita S, Oda N, Hara N, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. The effects of antibiotics on the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer differ based on PD-L1 expression. European Journal of Cancer 2021;149:73-81.
49. Ochi N, Ichihara E, Takigawa N, Harada D, Inoue K, Shibayama T, Hosokawa S, Kishino D, Harita S, Oda N, Hara N, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Response to letter re: The effects of antibiotics on the efficacy of immune-checkpoint inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer patients differ according to PD-L1 expression. European Journal of Cancer 2021;157:523-524.
50. Hosokawa S, Ichihara E, Bessho A, Harada D, Inoue K, Shibayama T, Kishino D, Harita S, Ochi N, Oda N, Hara N, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Erratum to: Impact of previous thoracic radiation therapy on the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021;51(8):1348.
51. Ichihara E, Harada D, Inoue K, Shibayama T, Hosokawa S, Kishino D, Harita S, Ochi N, Oda N, Hara N, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Characteristics of patients with EGFR-mutant non-small-cell lung cancer who benefited from immune checkpoint inhibitors. Cancer Immunol Immunother 2021;70(1):101-106.
52. Hosokawa S, Ichihara E, Bessho A, Harada D, Inoue K, Shibayama T, Kishino D, Harita S, Ochi N, Oda N, Hara N, Hotta K, Maeda Y, Kiura K. Impact of previous thoracsic radiation therapy on the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced non-smasll-cell lung cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2021;51(2):279-286.
53. Tanzawa S, Ushijima S, Shibata K, Shibayama T, Bessho A, Kaira K, Misumi T, Shiraishi K, Matsutani N, Tanaka H, Inaba M, Haruyama T, Nakamura J, Kishikawa T, Nakashima M, Iwasa K, Fujiwara K, Kohyama T, Kuyama S, Miyazawa N, Nakamura T, Miyawaki H, Ishida H, Oda N, Ishikawa N, Morinaga R, Kusaka K, Fujimoto N, Yokoyama T, Gemba K, Tsuda T, Nakagawa H, Ono H, Shimizu T, Nakamura M, Kusumoto S, Hayashi R, Shirasaki H, Ochi N, Aoe K, Kanaji N, Kashiwabara K, Inoue H, Seki N. A phase II study of S-1 and cisplatin with concurrent thoracic radiotherapy followed by durvalumab for unresectable, locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer in Japan (SAMURAI study). Ther Adv Med Oncol 2021;13:1758835921998588.
54. Kudo K, Kawakado K, Kawajiri T, Nishi T, Makimoto G, Tamura T, Kuyama S, Tanimoto M. Dramatic response of brain metastasis from EGFR-mutation-positive NSCLC to dacomotinib. Intern Med 2020;59(14):1739-1740.
55. Okawa S, Fujiwara K, Shimonishi A, Matsuura H, Ozeki T, Nishimura J, Kayatani H, Minami D, Shinno Y, Sato K, Ota K, Shibayama T. Rapidly Progressive Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Nivolumab Treatment. Case Rep Oncol 2020;13(1):85-90.
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1. 藤原慶一.緩和医療:終末期医療.日本臨床腫瘍学会(編) 新臨床腫瘍学, 南江堂 2024年, pp.715-718. 2. 松岡涼果,藤原慶一,市川健,大森洋樹,中村愛理,藤原美穂.慢性気道感染症と鑑別を要し,クライオ肺生検で診断したIgG4関連呼吸器疾患の1例.日本呼吸器学会雑誌2023;12(3):114-118.
3. 白羽慶祐, 瀧川雄貴, 佐藤賢, 山下真弘, 井上智敬, 中村愛理, 藤原美穂, 藤原慶一, 神農陽子, 柴山卓夫.多形腺腫摘出10年後に認められた肺転移に対してEUS-B-FNAで診断した1例.気管支学2023;45(6): 425-430.
4. 白羽慶祐,工藤健一郎,藤原慶一,光宗翔,吉田秀行,柴山卓夫.脳室腹腔短絡術によりオシメルチニブ内服が可能となった肺癌髄膜癌腫症の1例.日呼吸誌2023;12(2):93-97.
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6. 瀧川雄貴,渡邉洋美,佐藤賢,永喜多敬奈,神農陽子,藤原慶一.超音波気管支鏡ガイド下針生検にて診断した胸腺上皮性腫瘍の2例.日呼吸誌2022;11(4):178-182.
7. 瀧川雄貴,工藤健一郎,佐藤賢,井上智敬,大西桐子,光宗翔,渡邉洋美,佐藤晃子,藤原慶一,柴山卓夫.繰り返すEWS気管支充填術にて外科治療を回避し,有瘻性膿胸の治療に成功した1例.気管支学2022;44(4):300-304.
8. 津野夏美,瀧川雄貴,佐藤賢,光宗翔,渡邉洋美,工藤健一郎,佐藤晃子,藤原慶一,岩本康男,柴山卓夫.大腸癌縦隔リンパ節転移気管浸潤による気道狭窄に対し気道インターベンションを施行し,呼吸機能が改善した1例.気管支学2022;44(6):432-436.
9. 山原美穂,藤原慶一,栗林忠弘,松岡涼果,牧田雅典,柴山卓夫.珪肺に合併し,閉塞性肺炎と前縦隔腫瘤を契機に診断された形質芽球性リンパ腫の1例.日呼吸誌2022;11(2):103-108.
10. 瀧川雄貴,佐藤賢,光宗翔,岩本佳隆,工藤健一郎,藤原慶一.高周波スネアを用いて気管支鏡下に切除した気管支過誤腫の8例.日呼吸誌2022;11(2):113-116.
11. 瀧川雄貴,佐藤賢,栗林忠弘,大西桐子,光宗翔,松浦宏昌,渡邉洋美,工藤健一郎,藤原慶一.硬性気管支鏡下に切除した縫合糸による気管支異物肉芽腫の1例.気管支学2021;43(5):468-472.
12. 藤原慶一.緩和医療:終末期医療.日本臨床腫瘍学会(編)南江堂 2021年.新臨床腫瘍学 pp.361-364.
13. 山原美穂,藤原慶一,下西惇,松浦宏昌,西村淳,尾関太一,萱谷紘枝,南大輔,佐藤賢,柴山卓夫.EGFR遺伝子変異陽性肺腺癌に対してニボルマブが奏効した1例.呼吸臨床 2020;4(6):No.e00102.
14. 工藤健一郎, 市原英基.COVID-19における肺炎.癌と化学療法2020;47(12):1657-1661.
15. 瀧川雄貴,南大輔,佐藤賢,西村淳,尾関太一,大川祥,髙田健二,萱谷紘枝,藤原慶一,柴山卓夫.食道に接する肺腺癌の診断にEUS-B-FNAが有用であった1例.気管支学2019;41(3):298-302.
16. 瀧川雄貴,佐藤賢,南大輔,西村淳,尾関太一,大川祥,高田健二,萱谷紘枝,藤原慶一,柴山卓夫.大腸癌気管分岐部転移に対し気管支動脈塞栓術後にDumon YⓇステントを留置した1例.気管支学2019;41(4):401-406.

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